A selection of exhibit catalogues and newspaper/magazine feature articles in pdf format.
Cheekwood- Charles Brindley, Trees of Myth and Legend Exhibit Twenty Page Catalogue (PDF)
Chattanooga Times Free Press - Artwork of Governor's Mansion at Museum Center in Cleveland (PDF)
Chattanooga Times Free Press - Far Hills - Images of the Tennessee Residence (PDF)
Cheekwood - Charles Brindley - Ordered Prospects (PDF)
Evansville Living - The Artfulness of Nature (PDF)
FanFare - The Romanticism of a Real Landscape (PDF)
Memphis Business Journal - Influences, Associations Abound in Brooks Show (PDF)
Nashville Business Journal - Adventures Await at Art Exhibition (PDF)
Nashville Business Journal - Landscapes Illuminated through Brindley's Imagination (PDF)
Real Illusi( )ns - Charles Brindley (PDF)
The Evansville Courier - Museum Features Tennessee (PDF)
The Tampa Tribune - Artist Paints Mood for our Impressions (PDF)
The Tennesseean - Painter Searches for the Metaphysical amid the Trees and Stones (PDF)